Compliance Team
Angels Den

Dear User,

You may have heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), that comes into effect May 25, 2018.

We would like to ensure you that your personal data is safe with us. Please read the details regarding the processing of your personal data and if you agree with the processing as described below, please click the ‘I agree’ button.

Please be informed that you can withdraw this consent at any time.

1) What data are we talking about?

We are disclosing details regarding the processing of personal data that is collected within our calls and in connection with your use of Angels Den’s platform, Websites and other functionalities of Angels Den, including those saved in cookies files.

2) Who will be the controller of your data?

Angels Den Funding Limited (hereinafter referred to as AD) will be the controller of your data (Angels Den means all entities from the Angels Den capital group, which includes Angels Den Funding Limited with its registered office in London and all entities related to it and dependent on it) and only our Trusted Partners.

3) Why do we want to process your data?

We process this data for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy, including:
- compliance with any legal requirements and obligations,
- ensuring that content from our Website is presented in the most effective manner for you,
- marketing purposes,
- providing you with our services (including the completion and support of immediate activity required to provide you with information and deliver products and/or services that you request and to deliver any contracts entered into with you), or
- as otherwise explained in this privacy policy or by any communication by us.
Where you have explicitly consented to be contacted for such purposes, we use your personal data to provide information on our new and existing products and services.

4) To whom can we transfer data?

In accordance with applicable law, we may transfer your data to entities processing it at our request, e.g. marketing agencies, subcontractors of our services and entities authorized to obtain data under applicable law, e.g. courts or law enforcement agencies - of course only if they submit a request based on an applicable legal basis. Furthermore, we will transfer your data to Trusted Partners outside the European Union – to the USA – under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.

5) What are your rights to your data?

You have the right to request access to, correct, delete your personal data. You can also withdraw consent to processing of personal data, raise objections and use other rights granted under GDPR (i.e. right to data portability).

6) Use of cookies

We use cookies to give you the best experience on our Website. This means that we have placed cookies on your device. If you continue without changing your cookie settings, we assume that you consent to our use of cookies on this device. You can change your cookie settings at any time but if you do, you may lose some functionality on our Website. More information can be found in our Privacy Policy.

In connection with the above, I agree to the processing of my personal data by Angels Den and its Trusted Partners. I confirm that I understand that my personal data is being collected as part of my phone calls, use of AD’s online platform, Websites, and other functionalities of AD, including the data saved in cookie files. I also consent to profiling in order to allow Angels Den and its Trusted Partners the provision of better services (including for analytical purposes). Your data will only be processed on a valid lawful basis in accordance with applicable data protection laws. The processing of your personal data for marketing purposes (including statistical analysis) by AD is based on the firm's legitimate interest. The processing for marketing purposes by our Trusted Partners is only possible if we receive your freely given consent. We will also process your personal data to fulfil our contractual obligations to you as contained in AD’s Terms and Conditions of the use of our Website and services. Therefore, this data will be processed on another lawful basis – ‘contract’. We will also process your data to comply with our legal obligations for our Service (such as anti money laundering and know your customer requirements), which is also a valid lawful basis in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Expressing this consent is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.

If you have any doubts or questions about the use of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact me via email. I’m happy to assist.

Compliance Team
Angels Den

A Look into Women’s Increasing Role in the Work Environment

Women in work environment Angels Den

A healthy economy requires full participation from all the individuals who want to take part in the innovation process, regardless of age, gender, religion, race, ethnicity or any other social or personal characteristics. International Women’s Day 2019 marks yet another year of continued steps to improve the representation of women in the world of work.

Small steps towards change

Women in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) still face significant challenges and inequalities in the workplace. The pay gap persists and women are still under-represented in corporate leadership, with women accounting for only one-in-five of board seats in the largest publicly-listed companies in the OECD. In spite of this, the OECD continues to make gradual progress to improve female economic empowerment.

Iceland and Sweden - the best countries for female workers

Northern European countries have always been classified as progressive and immune to gender stereotypes. In the OECD, Iceland and Sweden occupy the first two places when it comes to Women in Work Index. This empowerment and use of a qualified and competent workforce have proven beneficial not only to the affected population but also to the countries’ overall gross production and personal development index.

A study by PwC shows that if all the OECD countries would reach the Northern European countries’ women employment rates, there would be a 6 trillion dollars increase in their GDPs. The increase from closing the pay gap alone would be worth up to 2 trillion dollars.

Women's Role in the work environment

Source: PwC Analysis, March 2019

UK Ranking #13

The UK rose one place from 14th to 13th position on the Index, performing above the OECD average, and continues on a path of gradual improvement. Faster growing regions such as London, tend to have made the biggest improvements in their Index scores since 2010. 

Female empowerment in the work environment must not be seen as a compromise made for equality, but rather as acquiring competent workforce, thus being able to increase production, work quality and give the economy a boost. It is a government’s duty to promote equality and impose policies that target the pay gap, but it’s up to the business agents to realize the importance of these measures. A company that understands the inherent value of these policies will have qualified and diverse personnel and the results will not fall short.

Although companies which hire and pay their employees based on old stereotypes are gradually becoming a thing of the past, the problem is far from over. However, we can see that the most developed and thriving companies are compliant with the guidelines provided by the governments.

Women's Role in the work environment

Turning policies into effective change

While most of the organisations understand that changes must happen, clear practices should be embedded in the companies as soon as possible in order to see results in the long term. Here are 5 key foundations that can be found in Pwc's report:

1. Aligning diversity with the business strategy

Companies need to clearly articulate how D&I can support business priorities to build a strategy that resonates with all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, investors and wider society.

2. Driving accountability from the top

Ensure D&I is recognised as a business priority by making people accountable for making it happen by including D&I metrics in individual performance objectives and incentives.

3. Setting realistic objectives and a plan to achieve them

Once D&I objectives are clearly identified, companies need to build an action plan based on them, and include consideration of how key HR processes (such as performance management) will support these, focusing on how they will be achieved and measured.

4. Using data: What gets measured gets done

Organisations should use data and analytics tools to measure progress and the return on investment, target problem areas for intervention and drive accountability.

5. Being honest: Always tell it as it is

Clear and honest communication on the company’s progress and plans for accelerating progress can help demonstrate its commitment to D&I to the staff and external stakeholders.